Ballot's Books - The Handmaid's Tale

by Abi Kumar

VOL. 24 — published November 22, 2020 under Book Review

The Handmaid’s Tale is another incredible book by Margeret Atwood that I’m sure everyone has heard of. I initially read it after watching the show and became obsessed with the world-building and connections that one could draw to our world today. Starting the book, I was uninterested at first due to the previous knowledge of the events that took place to create the Republic of Gilead but, as the story progressed, I found myself captivated by the unique perspective, narration, and mystery we encountered. The choice of Offred as the protagonist is extremely interesting due to her reluctant narration and guilt that is extremely visible to the reader throughout the story. The semi-non-linear telling of the story, with frequent flashbacks and recounting of the events that took place before the present left the reader constantly wondering if this could happen in our world today. Overall, this book was incredible and such an interesting read for anyone who is interested in dystopian novels that challenge our view of our own world.

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