
by Abi Kumar

VOL. 9 — published June 28, 2020 under Editorial

v09a01img This June has been one unlike any other, from the widespread COVID-19, Black Lives Matter Protests, and the last Pride Month under the current term of our president. Pride is an extremely meaningful event for people worldwide, and is both a celebration of how far the movement has come from its beginnings and a call to action to continue the fight for equality for LGBTQ+ people worldwide. Black and LGBTQ+ communities are not mutually exclusive and, especially when living in the USA, we must acknowledge the black trans women that were and still are at the forefront of the pride movement, fighting to get us where we are today. Pride began as a riot, people of all backgrounds coming together to fight for the basic human rights taken away from them just because of who they were. Major leaps have been made for LGBTQ+ rights recently, and last Saturday was the 5 year anniversary of same-sex marriage being legalized throughout the United States. While that was monumental, there are still massive changes needing to be made, especially in countries where LGBT+ people lack even the right to exist.. Now is not the time to be silent. Stand up for yourself, for your friends, family, and for those who can't speak up for themselves. We firmly advocate for the fact that every human deserves to live and love, no matter their race, sexuality, gender, presentation, and any other thing that may set them apart. We hope you all enjoy this issue of the Ballot Buzz, and we urge you all to join the fight for equality. For those in TAMS, SAGA and the BSU are amazing clubs focused on these issues and a great place to get started. Remember: this fight is far from over.

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